PO Box 1711
Traverse City, MI 49685
Phone: 231-709-2704

Annual Fundraiser

Dann’s House is celebrating the completion of our Duplex remodel and our wonderful supporters! September 16th 2021 5:30pm-8:00pm Short Program @ 6:30pm 3270 Veterans Drive Traverse City, MI 49696 Meal & Non-Alcoholic drinks provided

July Dann’s House News 2021 – Letter from the President

Summer Update. Dann’s House residents did a great job of surviving the Covid-19 virus. As of today, all residents have been vaccinated and restrictions have been lifted. Regular visiting hours are 10am-10pm daily. Stop by for a chat or play a game of pool. We have 10 men living at the duplex. 7 have housing vouchers, 2 are not funded and our night employee has a room as part of his benefits, The guys have participated in some gardening projects, lawn mowing, and general beautification. We now have new compacted stone walkways in the front and back yards. Hopefully, the… Read More »

February Dann’s House News 2021 – Letter from the President

Winter has set in Traverse City with zero temps and considerable snowfall. Here at Dann’s House the residents have a warm, comfortable house. They have remained safe during this pandemic. Hoping residents will be able to get vaccinated soon.  Our regular snow plow guy, due to a decline in his health, was unable to plow for us this year. We were left in a lurch when we had our first big snowfall and desperately needed to be plowed. Ben just happened to be driving by in his yellow plow truck and asked if he could help. He agreed to be… Read More »

January Dann’s House News 2021 – Letter from the President

Happy New Year friends of Dann’s House! We have continued to stay safe at the House. The residents had a nice Holiday. Santa Sandy, AKA House Manager, had huge stockings filled with goodies. See the pictures. The Board also purchased requested needed gifts, such as boots, long underwear, even some art supplies and grooming items. Adult men living in community isn’t without its challenges. NMSH case workers, Jason and Paul continue to work with the residents on various issues. Board member, Bob Bevier, holds a “House Meeting” every Wednesday. These services help the guys learn to sort out their differences… Read More »

An Update from the President of Dann’s House

We finally purchased the duplex on Veterans Drive the end of 2019. Since then we’ve accomplished SO much. Adding residents. Hiring a full time House Manager. Prioritizing house repairs.  This summer we purchased a used van. The van has provided transportation to appointments, outings, and trips to the store.  The house had drainage problems that resulted in water in the basement. Water was diverted by digging up and replacing the old drainage system. New roof and gutters with leaf filters were installed. I’m happy to report that problem has been resolved! Additional bedrooms are being added to the north end… Read More »

Dann’s House Expands, Buys Property

Dann’s House has now purchased the property where it has been successfully operating for more than five years. The acquisition has allowed the nonprofit to open the other half of the duplex and double its capacity to serve people who need housing with a Harm Reduction approach, and secure the organization’s financial future. Since Dann’s House opened, not only have the lives of the residents been transformed, but also the way local systems address homelessness and addiction. Under a Harm Reduction model, residents are not expected to stop drinking altogether: abstinence is not required at Dann’s House. The goal is… Read More »

Gratitude Gathering 2019

What are you grateful for? We at Dann’s House are grateful to have expanded! We’ve begun renting the other half of the duplex where we’ve been operating for five years, and have almost doubled the number of people we serve. We are also grateful for the progress we’re making towards purchasing the entire property. You can help us to raise the funds needed to bring this project to completion! Join us for a Gratitude Gathering Wednesday, November 20 6:00-8:00pm Blue Tractor Barn 423 South Union Street, Traverse City $50 per person Chef-Designed Dinner Included, Cash Bar Contact us for tickets!

Panera Fundraiser

Wednesday, November 6, 4-6 pm Print out and bring this Panera-Flyer, or show an electronic version to the cashier when you place your order and Panera will donate 20% of the proceeds from your purchase to Dann’s House. Join us for some good food for a great cause!

Gratitude Gathering 2018

What are you grateful for? We at Dann’s House are grateful for the extraordinary opportunity to purchase the house where we have been successfully operating for four years! You can help us to raise the funds needed for the down payment, closing costs, and necessary renovations to the house so that we can double the number of people we serve. We are also grateful for an anonymous donor who will match your donation! Join us for a Gratitude Gathering Tuesday, November 13 6:00-8:00pm Blue Tractor Barn 423 South Union Street, Traverse City $45 per person Chef-Designed Dinner Included, Cash Bar… Read More »

Detroit Inspired by Dann’s House

The Detroit Free Press has published a well-researched article about Dann’s House as an inspirational model for approaches to ending homelessness. Our Harm Reduction philosophy is becoming more widely accepted as an effective way to help people and to improve communities by helping the most vulnerable citizens and saving significant resources. The tremendous success of Dann’s House in transforming both the lives of our residents and our wider region is inspiring communities across the country! Read the article here.

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